Warranty Policy
If you take care of our products and something goes wrong then we want you to remember this unlikely event for how quickly we made it right. Our aim is to provide the simplest, fastest and most economical means of repair in the industry.
Kencar Warranty Policy
There appear on this Warranty Policy, Kencar Co. Ltd (C49828), of 168, Industrial Estate, Luqa, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’, the Air Conditioning Indoor Unit, Outdoor Unit and Services installed, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Equipment’ and the purchaser of such Equipment, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Customer’.
Why is the warranty important ?
There is no one better at looking after an air conditioning product than the company who has selected the equipment and understands the application of the original installation. It, therefore, makes perfect sense for an end user to select the original installer in achieving the best possible maintenance and life-cycle cost from their initial capital purchase.